Sandrina in marie-eve signeyrole’s new production of haydn’s L’infedeltá delusa at the bayerische staatsoper

Their vocal power reserves are remarkable. Especially in the moments of full physical commitment. Passion flows from all vocal and acting pores. Soprano Jessica Niles sings Sandrina like an energetic volcano. Clear, transparent, spirited, yet accurate and controlled, for example, in challenging octave jumps…Personally, I am particularly subject to the vocal emotional force and the unconditional powerful play of Jessica Niles. Full commitment! In me you won a fan Ms. Niles.

—Klassik begeistert (translated from original german)

The central trio of women…are of very good quality: hats off to Jessica Niles in particular, whose rather dramatic air in the second act is perhaps the highlight of this evening.


The colorfulness and emotional expression of Jessica Nilessoprano become the highlights of the evening in Sandrina's arias.


Above all, Jessica Niles is to be named Sandrina as a marriage victim, a grandiose young voice with enormous potential.

—KlassikInfo (translated from original german)